Thursday, September 3, 2009

Filling a void...

OK, I am sorry for the lack of updates, but after school got started, I really got busy.

Bryon has a two week break from treatment right now. He gets his regular 4th week off and the week after he will go in for the all important MRI and visit with the doctor. He had a major blow to his ego last week when he was approached by human resources at work. A few of his co-workers had safety concerns about Bryon being around the machines, and asked that something be done about it. It was not a complaint, but merely that they love him and don't want him to be electrocuted. Understanding this, I spoke with Ben in HR and explained Bryon's current obstacles in speech and mental processing. He said Bryon will work on day shift in general labor for 90 days and if their is some improvement he can eventually go back to being a tech, but if there is no change he will be there permanently and take a $3 pay cut. Now, being the man that Bryon is, he took it pretty had for the first 24 hours before his new shift. He soon came around to the idea and realized he has the power to change his situation. Starting today he will go through more therapy to address his issues and try to regain better communication skills.

So, it has been a slow moving week, but we are loving the time we have with Bryon on a normal schedule. It is the first time in his married life that he has worked days. It makes the need for a kitchen table much more pertinent. Even if he can't improve and has to remain on this shift, the pay cut will be hard to swallow, but we will love being around him more often. If anything, he might get more rest and he might gain some weight. There is an upside to everything.


  1. Hang in there, Bryon. You might like day shift so much you'll not want to go back to nights. I can understand, though, how hard it might be to not do what you're trained to do. I'm in a bit of the same situation myself. I'm glad you still have a job and can continue to provide for your family.

    Good luck with the MRI and enjoy a week or two off from treatment. Keep us posted.

  2. Being on days could change everyting!! The pay cut could be the best thing to ever happen to you! Not an easy thing to swallow, though... Hang tough. XOXO - Selina
