Wednesday, September 9, 2009

September 9, 2009

Just a quick update on Bryon and recent events. Bryon went to Salt Lake yesterday to have his 8 week MRI and doctor visit. Even though there was some massive confusion about where the MRI was supposed to take place, it happened and we were able to move on. Doctor Jensen was able to see Bryon this week and was very optimistic as usual, but someone should inform him that an extended period of silence while reviewing the images only creates stress in those sitting in the room with him. After much debate, he decides there is little to no change and treatment may continue. Bryon and I had our own opinion of what changes were there, but thank heavens that our medical opinions on this matter are irrelevant.

So, life continues and we will keep pretending we have a normal life. Just a quick side note, however, I am incredibly busy since my kids started school. It makes it very difficult to update to blogs when news happens. I am going to keep this blog as current as possible, and only update the family blog when I have time. Both blogs will remain, but I am sorry if they do not always reflect the latest gossip.


  1. Sometimes no news is good news. Little or no change seems like a good thing. And by the way, you DO have a normal life. What you live becomes your norm. And I hope you don't get too busy! I live for voyeurism and without blog updates I'd go through withdrawals!

  2. I never get a chance to call you so I am glad when you update and I know what's going on. Brinlee and Anna have sure enjoyed each other this year. I guess being in separate classes didn't separate them. Bosom buddies!

  3. Keep on keeping on. I guess the status quo is better than the alternative. Hang in there. I'm glad you guys are busy. That, in itself, is a good sign.

  4. Jill, I had no idea you followed this blog!
    It really makes us feel good to know we have good friends keeping tabs on us.

    I never think to call anyone, that's why my whole social life revolves around a blog. Being busy doesn't help either.

    I am so glad Anna and Brinlee are still together. I never thought I would care who my kids were friends with until Brinlee. No one else can measure up.
