Saturday, September 19, 2009

Recent happenings...

Bryon has given his current situation a lot of thought. He has concluded that working a full time job is no longer possible. It is not fair to his employer and it takes a lot more out of him than it gives back. So, after he made this decision he said he would work until he can see his doctor, which should be able to recommend long term disability. Then he will be able to stay home and be a lot less stressed. Bryon is not sick every day all the time, but he has limited amounts of energy to give. When he is rested he can function quite well for an hour or so, but shortly after, he resigns to the couch where he sleeps for 3-4 hours just to recuperate. We wish him luck in this new venture and am very glad to see he made it this far.

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  1. Sounds like a tough decision has been made. I can't imagine continuing full-time work even from the beginning of what you've gone through, let alone this far in.

    Hang in there and get some rest. Your body is being pushed to its limits by the chemo and it looks like you are pushing back, which is a good sign. You and your family are in my thoughts.

  2. We think about your family all the time too. It's not very often you find someone as young as our husbands with stage 4 cancer, and two beautiful girls to boot. Though I feel like right now your family is going through a bit more than we are with all these tough decisions to be made, and with Bryon experiencing all his fun side effects. Trav's been on the same drug for 2 years, and we are pretty used to the side effects, and they are fairly minimal. I hope that you guys will start to feel less in limbo, and Bryon will regain some energy. Let us know if there is anything we can do!
