Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Porcelain God

***Scroll down for auction items. Check back for new items added often***

I don't think Bryon, or myself, had any idea how things would work once his health really went downhill. The last few days have been very frustrating and stressful. Bryon has been very good at taking his meds so he isn't sick, but the fatigue alone has hit him like a truck. He can sleep all day and be wide awake for an hour and be able to sleep another 8 hours with no problem. You can see when he is awake that he really wants to be useful, but his legs just want to fall out from under him.

The real worry, as of today, is he has lost his appetite and made a mad dash to the thrown of the porcelain God and forcibly sacrificed what little he did have in his stomach. (he threw up.) He immediately came home and is now resting. This is the longest he has been away from work, except after surgery, and even though his co-workers are concerned he is starting to walk on a thin line with his employer.

What can you do? He is the sickest I have ever seen him, but the worst part is knowing it is self inflicted in order to prevent worse things from happening. This cancer is becoming more than just headache to us, and I wish I had a magic baseball bat to knock it out of the ball park.(Bryon's head.) I have vented a little and rambled a lot, and that is not what this blog is for.

I want to thank everyone who is participating in the online auction. There will be new items coming soon, so keep checking in to see whats available. A great big thank you is also thrown out to everyone who reads this blog. Just knowing your checking in on Bryon is very comforting to him and he loves your comments.


  1. I am so sorry he is going through chemo-hell. I wish there was something substantial we could do to help all of you. Just know you are always in our prayers. The whole thing is just infuriating!

  2. I'm so sorry things are so rough right now. For me one of the hardest parts of all this is watching Travis feel so yucky and weak, so I can imagine how hard this is on both of you. I also hate to hear about your work situation, as if cancer isn't terrifying enough you have to add that to the mix.

    Your in our prayers!

  3. I'm with Julie. I wish there was something I could do. Hang in there! I'm always thinking of you guys.
