Tuesday, August 18, 2009

August 18, 2009

This was week two of Bryon's treatment cycle. Things went off without a hitch and I am happy to say no one got sick this time. Bryon slept more than usual, but managed to muster the energy to down a cheeseburger, then drift off to dream once more.

Bryon has his good days and bad days. The physical ills are on a more regular schedule than the mental ruts he seems to fall into. He has mentioned that he feels worthless and asks 'why me?', but we all know the answer to that. Bryon is a very determined individual who has been given this trial only because he is strong enough to overcome it. He is very useful since he is determined to go to work every night and provide financial support to his family as well as himself. His loving support to other family members brings peace and appreciation to their troubled hearts. He brings smiles to his kids faces every day, who ask for him urgently when he is not around.

Bryon used to tell me that the one thing he loved most about me was my big heart. No matter who it was, I hated causing them any grief. I have changed a lot since then, and Bryon reflects his description of me so long ago. His heart gets bigger every day and we are so lucky to have him in our lives. I am so happy he was able to attend the Westerberg family reunion and share his light with every one. He thinks so much of others, and yet, all we can do is think of him and what he must be going through.

I love you so much Bryon, and so does everyone else who takes the time to think about you every day. You are of great worth and this terrible cancer has been dealt to you because you are strong enough to get through it. Every week is another week lived, and we are grateful.


  1. This is a lovely post. I find it amazing that Bryon works so hard still while feeling so yucky. He sounds like a great person. Your family is still in our prayers and we wish nothing but the best for you.

  2. I love Bryon and I've never met him. I'm amazed at the courage he and his family embody. Sure, there must be hard times, but what we outside the situation see is awe-inspiring.

    Keep up the good work.
