Thursday, February 18, 2010

Computer Genius Wanted

I am so psyched about getting Bryon MRI's on the blog. I have a whole string of them that I would like to put on here for everyone, but I hit a few bumps right before I hit the brick wall. First off, my scanner, that I have only used once in it's entire existence, has died prematurely. No problem I have found there are other people who are willing to lend me their equipment. However, the MRI discs have special programs on them that do not want me to share the photos, so we are trying to print the photos out and scan them back into the computer...the discs didn't like that either. Maybe it was my email? my computer? or just me in general, but I know this can be done. Does anyone have any clue as to how to help me accomplish this?


  1. No help from me...

    but I did want to say thanks for you lovely comment on my blog. I feel the same way. It sure is nice knowing someone else just gets it.

    Someday we must do lunch or something and let our little ladies play.

    I hope you figure out the pictures soon. I'd love to see them. And we are always thinking of your family.

  2. um, nope. Can't help, but can say hello!!!

  3. You terminally optimistic people...I love your comments.

  4. If you can view them on your computer, just take a screen shot of them.

  5. I'd be happy to help. Just mail yourselft, disc, scanner, computer, or any and all other necessary items up to me and I'll get them digitized and email them back to your or post them on the blog for your. Or, just wait til July. I'll be there then and can help you in person.

    BTW: I love reading posts written by you Westerberg girls. You all have such a gift when it comes to describing the drudgery of normal every day life. It is quite entertaining.

  6. Sheesh, I should learn to proof read before I post. Sorry for all the spelling errors. I suck, bad.
