Wednesday, February 3, 2010

February 3, 2010

It has been some time since the last post, but always keep in mind that no news is good news.

Bryon's chemo cycle started over again this past Monday, and we happen to find out some interesting news by trial and error. Bryon has been complaining that he feels more yucky than usual on his double chemo week. It is to be expected, but not when you have the best anti nausea medicine available. Turns out, it is in fact the anti nausea pills that are causing him to feel crappy. Not that he would like to try the alternative of going without them, but it is nice to know cause and effect. We have also learned Bryon is now becoming allergic to the MRI contrast. When conducting the last MRI, the process was interrupted when Bryon evacuated the contents of his stomach on to the floor (up chucked). No big deal, there are other contrasts to try, put one done for now.

As Spring is not quickly approaching, we find ourselves swimming in a pool of redundancy. Cabin fever has swept over us like a plague. Any kind of sunshine we can soak up gives minor relief. It is not that we don't have things to do, but rather we just don't want to do them. Several friends and family members have express their own concerns about their fever issues. It is nice to know that no one is suffering alone. Plenty of house work and unfinished projects are all around us. We may just have to buckle down and get it done. Then everything would be completed and we really would have reason to complain.

The next post is pending on my ability to run a scanner. I have a few MRI's to show off and even the actual measurements of the tumors growth pattern. Cross your fingers that I am able to work out this technical conundrum.


  1. I would really like to hear Bryon's side of the up-chuck story. He should post a few details every now and then. That is one tough guy, you are lucky to have him, as he is to have you. I'll send some sunshine your way, we have had a little. XOXO.

  2. So what days are you all going to be in AZ? I can't get plane tickets if I don't know what days you all are going to be there. Do I have to think of everything? Golly!! Anyway do let me know what days. I will see if I can work something out. No promises, but it would be great to see you all!

  3. Your medical vocabulary has grown by leaps and bounds. How impressive! I want to see those MRIs. You are probably an expert reader as well.

  4. Hope you get the pics of the MRI.Just go away damn tumor..... Bryon looked so good thursday.
    Hope your dog is feeling better also..
