Tuesday, November 3, 2009

and the survey says...

I love that line from Family Feud. I don't know why but it is kind of catchy...to me any way.

So, to make short of a long story this is what happened after the MRI. Dr. Jensen and Dr. Yuko as well as Travis the trial coordinator all met with us in the exam room. There was some complicated debate about whether or not Bryon was still eligible for the trial. However, thanks to our super hero Dr. Jensen, Bryon will be able to continue treatment on Monday. The scan showed a small decrease in the tumor size, about 2 mm to be exact. This is extremely good news considering we saw growth in the previous scan. Dr. Jensen is going to meet with the drug company on Friday and fight for Bryon to stay in the trial. He strongly opposes the method being used to calculate the tumor growth. He says it is counter productive and not medically relevant to what is really going on. Thank you Dr. Jensen for fighting for Bryon.

Treatment begins again on Monday and the next MRI is scheduled for December 29th. Kind of like deja vu really, since the last time we got bad news it was the same date one year ago. Things are looking good and we'll keep on truck'in.


  1. Any decrease is a good decrease, right? Here's hoping it continues to shrink, and that Bryon keeps qualifying for treatment.

  2. Okay, we'll take that. I'm thankful you have a good doctor on your side. Bryon is a champ! (And so are you.)

  3. That's great news! Those clinical controversies are annoying, but I'm impressed that your doctor recognizes one when he sees it and has the balls to stick up for his patient.

    Keep up the good fight, Bryon!

  4. Good thoughts, good thoughts, good thoughts....I guess that's about it. Kudos to your doctor.

  5. So glad you have a doctor who will fight for you!

    Thinking happy thoughts till your next MRI.

  6. Just stay possitive! Next time he has an MRI it will be very different from a year ago. Fingers crossed. So glad that his treatment seems to be helping. (and the fishing trip) Way to go Dr. Jensen!! Let me know if you need a shoulder. I am here for you! love ya
